Praising the service of our volunteer who has passed away

Praising the service of our volunteer who has passed away

We’re paying tribute to one of our volunteers who has recently passed away.

Stephen Webb, aged 66, joined our team between 2009 and 2019 and was a dedicated volunteer and driver for us.

Valued volunteer

Annie Clewlow, our Manager, says: “We were very sad to hear of the passing of our volunteer, Stephen. Although it is a while since he was last actively helping, he was a very valued volunteer for a number of years, overcoming personal health challenges to give us considerable support and commitment.

“He was one of those people who had a knack of leaving a real impact on those he came across and is remembered here with great affection.”

Memories of Stephen

Eveline Adams worked as a Coordinator for us and has fond memories of Stephen.

She says: “Steve was always prepared to go the extra mile. He was unassuming and endlessly patient with those he helped and determined that they should be completely satisfied with what he delivered. He once retraced his steps to the supermarket to exchange a bunch of grapes that hadn’t been quite up to the standard expected by the person he was shopping for!

 “I used to ask Steve to take on service users where I knew it wasn’t likely to be very straightforward as I could rely on him to take endless time and trouble to work out what was going to be the best way to sort things out.

 “On a personal note, he had a lovely smile and was a wonderful person to have in your quiz team! He had phenomenal recall and often came up with answers to the most challenging questions!” 

 Helping with our work

 Donations collected at Stephen’s funeral have been passed to us to help with the work that we do.