We received funding for Time to Talk event

We received funding for Time to Talk event

We recently received £1,000 from Barratt Homes and were able to pay for a bus to transport our service users to our CommuniTea morning on national Time to Talk Day.

Transporting people with limited mobility

Our regular CommuniTea coffee morning, hosted by the Southampton Children’s Play Association (SCPA), is a wonderful, friendly group where the participants have lots of fun together.

The session marking Time to Talk Day, was a great chance for them to include the topic of mental health and wellbeing in their chat and welcome visitors for whom this is an important issue to be thinking about.

Barratt’s support

Barratt’s support meant we could fund a minibus that caters for people with limited mobility, which allowed some of our older, frailer folk to join in with today’s event.

We are so grateful for its support, and along with Options Wellbeing and Steps to Wellbeing, we really appreciate the help to achieve our aims of the day.

Time to Talk Day

Time to Talk Day is a UK wide campaign, in association with SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) and See Me in Scotland, Inspire and Change Your Mind in Northern Ireland, and Time to Change Wales.

Highlighting mental health

Anthony Dimmick, Barratt Homes Community Liaison Manager, Southampton Division, said: “Time to Talk Day is an important day when it comes to highlighting mental health across the country, and when we heard that Communicare was holding its own event to mark the day, we wanted to show our support.”